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Hello world!

May 23, 2010

So.  Here it is, my very first entry in the blogoshere.  Despite having had this set up by my lovely and patient friend friend in Seville ( ) since January, it isn’t until now, on this sunny, beautiful day in Bristol that I have finally put fingers to key board.

I am not entirely sure what this blog will be about, probably streams of rather dull consciousness, but bear with me, it may come to something in the end.

I am 48 (not a lot of people know that).  I live in Bristol, UK.  I have a 16 year old son.  I run my own business.  I am single.  I am bored by my life a lot of the time.  I am waking up to the possibilities presented by the world as the stranglehold of childcare begins to loosen.  That is not to say I have hated being tied to raising my son.  I haven’t.  But I have resented and struggled against the necessary curtailing of life outside it due to doing this on my own.

I didn’t mean to do it on my own, but as in so many cases, that is how it turned out.  Other factors, mostly just by being me, have meant that I have not brought another person into this family, except for a brief period at the beginning of this century.  So there I have been, and there I still am.  Champing at the bit but with little idea of where I will run to when the starters gun fires (to use up the horse racing metaphor and be done with it).

Once I get the hang of this blog thing I will post pictures and things that may be of interest to other people, you, whoever you are, who may be reading this in Japan, or Kenya.

I am going to sit outside in the sun now and contemplate the next phase in the life of Elizabeth, Duchess of the Folk House Café .

Here's to it!

One Comment leave one →
  1. January 5, 2010 5:11 pm

    Welome to the blogosphere!

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